::Photos Of The Season::FANTiM.COM/52-11 So my plan this year was to take a different Halloween photo every week. Unfortunately there were complications with this plan. So instead I did two weeks. Still I think they turned out great. Vampire Shoot For my vampire shoot I […]
Author: TiMO
10.01.11 Autumn
This last week I had a photo shoot with Autumn, so I’ve decided to include a before and after of the shoot. And the final edit Be sure to check out my 52 Projects page and you can also find me on Flickr. ________________________ Brought […]
8.3.11 Baby Photos
::blOg:: In tradition to my recent blog on baby photos I found another gem to share with everyone. I don’t know who’s luckier, the mom or the photographer who caught this shot. 😛 Be sure to check out my 52 Projects page and you can […]
7.1.11 Baby Photos
::blOg:: Whenever I am about to have a photo shoot I browse similar images to get some inspiration. I have a shoot coming up with a new born baby and her parents. This was actually supposed to be a pregnant shoot however the night of […]
03.12.10 Catwoman
FANTiM.COM/catwoman So today’s image that we’ll be looking at is the image that inspired my Catwoman photo shoot. It all started out when I saw the cover of this particular Catwoman comic book.This was the original art work, by Adam Hughes. A mugshot of Catwoman. […]
02.23.10 Disappearing
::Photo of the Week:: Today’s photo may not look like much, but it actually my first attempt at infrared photography. The way it works is I use an infrared filter on my camera that lets through pretty much no light, and instead is supposed to […]
02.03.10 Adam Sanders
::Foto of the Day:: So today I have a few before and after shots from my photoshoot with Adam Sanders, and I also have some behind the scene photos taken by my assistant. Before: After: I didn’t actually do too much post processing on this […]
02.02.10 Dy.Nasty
::Foto of thejavascript:void(0) Day:: So I’m back in America, and working on shoots again. I’ve been having my assistants take behind the scene photos of my recent shoots. Today’s images are from a new music project called Dy.Nasty. They are creating a new sound of […]
10.21.09 Sumo
::Foto of the Day:: So this is one of my shots from my day at the Sumo practice arena. Six o’clock seemed way to early to wake up and take photos. Especially after working at a wedding the night before. But as they say “When […]
10.15.09 Utsunomiya
:: Foto of the Day :: So I went out and took photos of Utsunomiya the other night, as my goal to take photos of the city before I leave it. I haven’t posted all the photos yet because of slow internet, but you can […]