10.01.11 Autumn

This last week I had a photo shoot with Autumn, so I’ve decided to include a before and after of the shoot. And the final edit Be sure to check out my 52 Projects page and you can also find me on Flickr. ________________________ Brought […]

8.3.11 Baby Photos

::blOg:: In tradition to my recent blog on baby photos I found another gem to share with everyone. I don’t know who’s luckier, the mom or the photographer who caught this shot. 😛 Be sure to check out my 52 Projects page and you can […]

02.03.10 Adam Sanders

::Foto of the Day:: So today I have a few before and after shots from my photoshoot with Adam Sanders, and I also have some behind the scene photos taken by my assistant. Before: After: I didn’t actually do too much post processing on this […]

02.02.10 Dy.Nasty

::Foto of thejavascript:void(0) Day:: So I’m back in America, and working on shoots again. I’ve been having my assistants take behind the scene photos of my recent shoots. Today’s images are from a new music project called Dy.Nasty. They are creating a new sound of […]

10.21.09 Sumo

::Foto of the Day:: So this is one of my shots from my day at the Sumo practice arena. Six o’clock seemed way to early to wake up and take photos. Especially after working at a wedding the night before. But as they say “When […]